Coconut shell is the sturdiest piece which covering the coconut fruit. It serves as the shield layer between the coconut flesh and coconut husk. The shell is naturally exist to protect the inner part of the coconut fruit. There are at least two utilities of this shell. It could be used as charcoal and also for appliances like handicraft and cutlery.
Coconut shell charcoal is another derivative product from coconut tree that has a lots of utilities and benefits. It is widely used as an efficient industrial fuel and also used to produce activated carbon for many industrial and beauty applications. For cooking fuel, it is preferred due to its pleasant smell. Since coconut shell charcoal got the capacity to absorb molecular species it is widely used for purification purposes also. Coconut shell charcoal in particular is far better than other charcoals, and the one originated from Indonesia is better than other origin due to its long burn and low ash.
Besides charcoal, this shell is used to produce various handicraft and other appliances. Coconut shell has the superiority due to their strength. The strong form of this shell is ideal to create handicrafts and these handicrafts keep for longer time period due to the strength of coconut shell. There is a huge demand for these types of natural handicraft in all over the world. Cutlery made from coconut shel
•Place of Origin
•Storage Type
: Indonesia
: Coconut Shell
: Brown
: Dry - Raw Coconut Shell
: Half-cut coconut shells